Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cecile Richards Of Planned Parenthood: Election Shows GOP Should Embrace Family-Planning Roots

Ms Liann
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God is an ABORTIONIST. God makes more miscarriages, still-born and spontaneous abortions in one year than all of man-induced abortions.

Jesus is an abortionist. When Jesus is not making abortions than Jesus is making deformed birth defect babies among the poor without healthcare. Planned Parenthood works to stop the cruel Jehovah abortions for those who WANT THEIR BABY, and works to prevent the cruel Jesus birth defects by giving pre-natal care to the poor.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Catholic hospitals say Obama compromise on birth control for women employees is unworkable

11:31 AM PST

I just have four questions:

(1) Why is the bishop bouncing the young choirboy on his lap?

(2) Why is the choirboy crying?

(3) Why are neither of them wearing pants?

(4) If Al Qaida is not a religious organization but a criminal gang with religious front, why aren't there HELLFIRE missiles shot from drones eliminating the hierarchy of this Bishops criminal gang of pedophiles?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Catholic institutions ignore individuals' rights


It is satanic to lie, so said Jesus.

Spacing out children, and not having more of them than the family income provides, is strong family values rooted in religious convictions that life should be brought into the world on purpose when it can prosper and not when it will be subjected to lifetime misery. YOUR RELIGION does not get to over-rule my view expressed above.
Birth Control is the single most effective means of preventing abortions of unwanted and unplanned children. To be against Birth Control is to be FOR MORE ABORTIONS automatically.

Birth Control generally costs far less than unplanned pregnancy, both for the insurance companies and for the pregnant woman.Birth Control in bulk, with generics bulk purchased by group plans, saves all rate payers money by reducing the healthcare costs to the insured pool. To be AGAINST BIRTH CONTROL means that you are automatically FOR HIGHER INSURANCE RATES for everybody.

Insurance is PRIVATE PROPERTY. It belongs solely to the named policy-holder. It is not property of the church, not property of govt, not property of employers. You are AGAINST PRIVATE PROPERTY when you anti-constitutionally try to deliver political power and control to any religious group imposing it's will over free citizens private property.
Insurance is an earned wage based on employee work -- it is not a gift. It is not charity. It is a part of wages and a form of wages. The bible says the workman is entitled to his (her) wages. Religion cannot dictate what an employee can spend their fungible cash wages on, including Birth Control, including Abortion. Religion cannot dictate the employees use of benefits offered to everybody as part of their private property wages healthcare insurance.

It is none of any religion's business how employees use their wages.
Any person found to be lying about this subject matter is FOR INCREASED MISERY and AGAINST THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS AND PRIVATE GENITALS. The Constitution requires good cause and a warrant signed by a judge before each govt intrusion into your desk drawers and private papers. How much more is the right to keep government out of our underwear and private body parts. The Satanic religion is not entitled to greater protections than any other religion.

All liars are children of SATAN, so said Jesus.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Republicans are making govt as intrusive and annoying as possible so people will back their firing federal cops who put corporate criminals in prison for killing American citizens while making a fast buck. David Koch hates govt regulations, especially the regulations that already cost him $288,000,000.00 in enforcement and fines. Rupert Murdoch hates regulations like the kind that stopped his Philip Morris felony fraud racket that killed 22,000,000 Americans over a 50-year crime spree. Other billionaires hate federal cops too and are destroying American democracy to bust the govt and get McGruff off their backs. The repugs are saying "You put laws and regulations on billionaire killers and we will sic govt on you too until you cry uncle".

Friday, April 27, 2012

Should Catholic Schools Be Able to Fire Teachers Over Fertility Treatments?

Do we now have a new life -- not just the parts that could become a life, but a new, ensouled person?

... What's the Church's basic opposition to in vitro fertilization? Is it mainly the issue of creating extra embryos?
That's a big part of it. When you're dealing with extra embryos in a laboratory, then it does bump up against the abortion question. You've combined sperm and ova in a lab; now you have a zygote or an embryo. Is it fully human? Do we now have a new life -- not just the parts that could become a life, but a new, ensouled person?
Can you explain what you mean by "a life"? Does the Church grant a three-day-old embryo the same status as a baby living outside the womb?
The Church has skirted that question very carefully. You don't find the Church absolutely declaring that from the moment of conception we have a person. They do say, in a sense, that from the moment of conception we should err on the side of having a human. We should act as if we have a human.
Where does that idea come from? The Bible doesn't say that life begins at conception.
A lot of this comes from our natural law tradition. From Thomas Aquinas forward, the Catholic Church has argued that our positions are reasonable, or at least defensible by reasoned argument, especially on moral issues.
So we ask, when do we have a unique individual? Is it when you have brainwaves? That would be 40 days out. Is it with the first movement, or quickening? That's several months out. Is it when it can live outside the womb? That's in the last trimester. The Catholic position is that from the moment of conception -- the moment his DNA combines with her DNA -- you can argue that you have a unique individual.
Now, there are some Catholic theologians who argue that the embryo doesn't become a unique individual until it's actually implanted in the uterus. That would allow for a lab to create all those embryos and zygotes -- they're not individuals until they implant, 10 to 12 days from conception. And a more liberal theologian like Charles Curran would say that an abortion right after a rape might be acceptable.
So many pregnancies end in miscarriages, especially very early ones. Does the Church view miscarriages as actual deaths?
We have not traditionally had funerals and coffins for spontaneous miscarriages. Does that mean we didn't say they were persons? No. But we kind of let that one fall between the cracks. If parents wish to remember them, they're welcome to remember them. If they want to give them a name, that's all right. Rick Santorum did that. But in the case of Emily Herx, what you see is the conservative side of the Church trying to tighten boundaries that were sometimes left a little bit vague.
Emily Herx told her school that she wasn't going to destroy any embryos during her IVF treatment. So why was there a problem?
There's still an issue. In terms of procreation, the closer one is to sexual intercourse, the less the Church is going to have a problem with it. So if you're doing fertility treatments that help you conceive while actually having sex, that's mostly all right. The further you move from that -- and toward the laboratory actually playing a role in conception -- the less the Church approves.
And then there's the issue of using borrowed sperm or ova, which adds another layer of distance. The further things move away from sexual intercourse, the more it raises the question: Are you manufacturing a baby? Is this an extension of lovemaking? Or is the laboratory doing something to replace lovemaking?
The whole idea of conceiving a baby outside the womb is so modern. It's hard to imagine these issues coming up in any form in the early Church.
Yes. But when it comes to sexual things, the Catholic Church has always held that the sperm belongs with the ovum, the male genital part belongs in the vagina. From that, you can deduce almost anything. ...

The_Liann 5 minutes ago
These people are insane. There are no souls. Murder is a legally defined act protecting BORN human beings from each other. Abortion is a medical act. Society has no business inside people's vaginas -- it was NEVER invited, never given permission, never given authority. You need a warrant and good cause to inspect somebody's outhouse or briefcase, or papers, how much more is it CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED PRIVACY of your PRIVATE PARTS. Get Uncle Sam out of women's underwear! Get the catholic church out of the lawmaking business. Defend the Constitutional Wall of Separation between Church and State!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Republican War on Women Today

Republican War on Women Today
GOP WAR ON WOMEN ~~Location of stories and news events documenting Republican
disrespect, conquest, and subjugation of women by "sacred penis-sperm"
holy self-lovers. ~ GOOGLE MAP LINK ~~ Companion blog: ~~

Catholic Priest OR Bishop child-abuse OR sexual-abuse
Each time I search, I map the results. A picture of the "organized crime" child rapist syndicate emerges: the getaway drivers and excusers and accomplices and coverups for Catholic
Priest OR Bishop Child Abuse OR Sexual Abuse.  GOOGLE MAP LINK ~~

Republican Religious War on Abortion
Those crazy Republican lunatics have declared war on separation of Church and State, especially the Constitutional Right of Women to sovereign control of their own bodies and decide for themselves when they will be breeders. The GOP-JIHADISTS want women slaves to breed cannon fodder for their eternal warfare theology. This blog records their acts and maps their locations: ~~ GOOGLE MAP LINK:


Republican War on Abortion TODAY

Not Just Labor Rights; Scott Walker Is Also Dismantling Women's Rights

The Nation. (blog) - 4 hours ago

But there is the matter of what the governor's critics refer to as “Scott Walker's War on Women.” Because Walker signed anti-choice laws enacted by ...


Planned Parenthood In Ohio, Wisconsin Loses Battles

Huffington Post - 7 hours ago
WASHINGTON-- The GOP may insist that there is no war on women, ... Scott Walker (R) put into effect Friday, it would no longer be able to provide medication ...
Wisconsin Planned Parenthood, reacting to new law, halts drug ...Pioneer Press
Planned Parenthood Suspends Pill Abortions In WisconsinWMTV
Pasch, Pro-Choice Groups Cry Foul on Planned Parenthood Clinics


Scott Walker Quietly Signs Anti-Abortion Measures, Repeals Equal ...

International Business Times - Apr 9, 2012
Scott Walker did nothing to refute the idea that Republicans are waging a "war on women" late last week when he quietly signed three controversial bills ...
Opinion: Repeal of '09 law harms discrimination victimsMilwaukee Journal Sentinel


Walker signs bevy of bills into law

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Apr 6, 2012
Scott Walker has signed bills putting new restrictions on abortion, ... Democrats blasted Walker and his fellow Republicans in the Legislature for advancing ...
Local: Gov. Walker's private bill signing slammed by Dems as "war on women"WSAU
Walker Signs Dozens of Bills into LawWGBA-TV
Gov. Walker quietly signs several controversial bills into lawDane101



Wisconsin Planned Parenthood, reacting to new law, halts drug ...

Pioneer Press - 2 hours ago
Scott Walker in the upcoming recall election. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, one of the gubernatorial candidates, condemned Walker and Republican lawmakers ...



Pasch, Pro-Choice Groups Cry Foul on Planned Parenthood Clinics ... - 4 hours ago
Scott Walker. The measure imposes criminal penalties for physicians who fail to ... episode in the ongoing war on women waged by the Republican Party.



Planned Parenthood In Ohio, Wisconsin Loses Battles

Huffington Post - 7 hours ago
WASHINGTON-- The GOP may insist that there is no war on women, ... Scott Walker (R) put into effect Friday, it would no longer be able to provide medication ...